XV Simpósio Internacional de Practicum e Estágios de Extensão "Desafios Presentes e Futuros".


  • Manuel Cebrián de la Serna Universidad de Málaga Espanha






En esta edición hemos preparado un programa académico y socio cultural que permite reflexionar sobre el tema que nos ocupa desde el presente, pero con una clara mirada hacia los retos que este espacio privilegiado del aprendizaje en el prácticum y las prácticas externas nos plantea en el futuro. El Symposium estuvo dirigido a profesionales interesados en compartir conocimientos y experiencias desde las diferentes disciplinas sobre la temática del Symposium internacional.


Não há dados estatísticos.


Carregando Métricas ...

Biografia do Autor

Manuel Cebrián de la Serna, Universidad de Málaga

Full professor Málaga University, (Spain). Research lines: a) educational innovation vs technological innovation; B) University teaching c) Practicum. He has been director of several services of training of university teachers (Sciences of Education Center -1994-98-, Educational Innovation Service -1998-2000-, Virtual Teaching -2000-2004-). He has been an adviser to the Distance Education System (SINED) and the Rectors’ Association (ANUIES) in Mexico. He was awarded the “Order of Puerto Ayacucho” for the Projects developed in Amazonas (Venezuela). External evaluator in evaluation agencies ANEP. Director of the research group: Globalization, Technology, Education and Learning (Gtea), Junta de Andalucía (SEJ-462). Actively Director of the R + D +i projects (Erasmus +, Tempus, Feder, etc.) [http://erubrica.org/]. Nowadays: 1. Study of the impact of technologies in evaluating the competencies in the practicum; 2. Lelenet and 3. Video Annotation Network Project. Editor Practicum Journal and member of the Practicum Network: Association for the development of the practicum and external practices (REPPE). mcebrian@uma.es



Como Citar

Cebrián de la Serna, M. (2019). XV Simpósio Internacional de Practicum e Estágios de Extensão "Desafios Presentes e Futuros". Revista Prácticum, 4(2), 102–103. https://doi.org/10.24310/RevPracticumrep.v4i2.7808


