Understanding and reading motivation in early childhood education through light
Early childhood education, reading habit, children´s literature, reading comprehension, motivationAbstract
The Early Childhood Education stage is the basis of the training of the minor, especially in the literacy field. The use of innovative resources in the classroom that motivate and arouse reading interest, as a previous step to a habit that must be acquired throughout Primary, becomes one of the tasks of the teacher who values the importance of reading in the personal and academic development of his students. For this reason, this workshop aims to help the understanding of literary texts to arouse interest and reader motivation through light and manipulative materials, thus favoring the pleasure of reading. The workshop consists of the narration of stories of children´s literature using the old overhead projectors used as light tables. The participants of this study were 326 students from four to six years (51.8% were children) of Early Education from different schools in the Region of Murcia. A demographic scale, the Mierisuo-Storm and Soinnien scale (2012) and an observational record were administered as instruments for the collection of information. The results show that 99% of the students not only understood the argument of the text, but also were able to carry out the subsequent activities using the resources offered; the same percentage showed interest in reading new texts. As a conclusion to this project, we can affirm that the implementation of new resources in the classroom focused on the understanding of the texts helps to awaken in the child the motivation and necessary interest to generate the reading habit.
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