Study of the communication in the evaluation of the diaries of practices that improvethe argumentation
Reflective daily; digital rubric; self-assessment, peer-assessment and argumentationAbstract
Nothing better to establish an integrated learning between faculty knowledge and external practices, than the methodology of the reflective daily where students reflect and argue about their experiences and learnings.Although these journals are a common practice in most institutions, they are not always done in a dialogical and permanent way with university tutors, much less among the same students distributed in different centers, thus limiting many of the benefits that result from sharing experiences, moreover, sharing the assessment themselves. The study with qualitative design aims to analyze the results of the conversations between tutor and student at the time of the assessment, and the impact of this methodologyto guide and assessment the reflection and the argumentation about the practice. We analyzed 192 daily students, and the 128 annotations that generated from qualitative analysis with "Q-analysis" techniques. From the most relevant conclusions we find thatthe changes in argumentation improvement during the fourteen weeks are clearly observed. At the same time, a rubric methodology is presented as the content of the same for the monitoring and assessment of reflective daily with criteria of argumentation.
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