Generating inferential reading strategies for academic texts through Artificial intelligence
strategies, inferential reading, academic texts, AI, reading literacyAbstract
This study focuses on providing teachers with inferential reading strategies to use in the classroom to improve students' reading literacy. To this end, different techniques of prompt engineering based on the use of the PLN model are used. This work aims to extend the discourse on inferential reading strategies by using three artificial intelligence tools to encourage the explicit teaching of inferential reading strategies to improve text comprehension, especially to promote the development of students' critical thinking and creativity through the interconnection of texts. To carry out this study, a representative set of texts on didactics is selected, and the inferential reading strategies used by chatbots to summarise these texts are identified. Subsequently, an analysis of the inferences present in the identified intertexts is carried out. Finally, the results are interpreted in the context of inferential comprehension strategies. In conclusion, it is shown that chatbots can contribute to the development of inferential reading, highlighting the importance of teaching and practising reading strategies in the classroom to improve reading literacy.
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