Professional networks in the time of Covid19: sharing good practices for the use of ICTs in the practicum




Professional networks, ICT, practicum, video annotations, social tagging, Covid19



The work between teachers sharing experiences and reflecting on teaching practices on video experiences is one of the most fruitful initiatives of professional networks. That has been the objective of this work, focused on reflections and analysis on experiences in the use of ICT in the practicum among 41 researchers and teachers from 17 Ibero-American Universities (2019-2021) through the methodology of video annotations during the Covid19 pandemic. Seventy-nine annotations were analyzed with 6 analysis tags on shared experiences. The research followed mixed methods on social tagging analysis. The results show an effective methodology for sharing experiences among teachers in networks and at a distance, based on the analysis of annotations and social tagging on video experiences. It facilitates a consensus of voices and focuses the attention of the network on different topics of interest for learning and professional development.


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Author Biographies

Francisco-José Ruiz-Rey, Málaga University

D. in Educational Sciences from the UNED in 2011, degree in Exact Sciences from the University of Malaga in 1989, expert in the use of the Internet and its applications by the UNED, member of the Panel of EDUTEC evaluators, member of the editorial board of digital magazines, INTEF tutor teacher, teacher of Secondary Education in adult education and associate professor at the University of Malaga in the Department of Didactics of Mathematics, Didactics of Social Sciences and Experimental Sciences. The research work focuses on the effective implementation of the use of new technologies in the classroom, having relevant experience in training teachers in the use of Web 2.0 tools, the educational management of interactive whiteboards and the use of mobile devices. The researcher has continuously attended conferences and congresses related to educational technology, where he has been a speaker and collaborator in expert round tables. On the other hand, the researcher has published articles, books and book chapters of educational nature.

Violeta Cebrián-Robles, Vigo University

Professor at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Vigo. Degree in Law. Degree in Pedagogy. PhD in Equity and Innovation in Education. Master's Degree in Teaching. Master in Law. Expert in Mediation. Member of the CIES-UVigo group. Lines of research: innovation in e-learning, practicum, ethics and honesty.

Manuel Cebrián-de-la-Serna, Málaga University

Dr. Manuel Cebrián De la Serna (University of Málaga). Professor at the University of Malaga. Vice Rector of Teaching Innovation and Digitalization of the International University of Andalusia -UNIA-. Director of the consolidated research group Globalization, Technology, Education and Learning -Gtea- Junta de Andalucía SEJ-462. He has directed different centers of the University of Malaga as the Director of the ICE (1994-98), Director of the Teaching Innovation Service (1998-2000) and Director of the Virtual Teaching Service (1998-2000). Advisor of the National System of Distance Education -SINED- and Advisor of the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education -ANUIES- Mexico. Lines: a) educational vs. technological innovation; b) university teaching and c) external practices. He has directed national and international R+D+i projects. Personal page: Editor of Prácticum Magazine. Member of the management team of The Association for the Development of Internships and Externships: Practicum Network (REPPE).


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How to Cite

Ruiz-Rey, F.-J., Cebrián-Robles, V., & Cebrián-de-la-Serna, M. (2021). Professional networks in the time of Covid19: sharing good practices for the use of ICTs in the practicum. Diario De Practicum, 6(1), 7–25.


