Stanley Kubrick’s photography as epistemological innovation space
Stanley Kubrick, Photography, Cinema, Mass Culture, comparative aesthetic, ArtAbstract
The photographic work of Stanley Kubrick has historically been overshadowed by the enormous prestige of his films. An exhaustive analysis of all his work (filmic and photographic), under a new perspective in which the mechanical arts are to be placed in the center of the plastic arts-mechanical arts-mass culture continuum, evidences the important innovative potential, epistemologically speaking, of his photographs. This heuristic capacity is concentrated in several aspects: a) the study of his photography as an artistic expression of an initially undefined or generic creative impulse; b) the importance of photography in the field of comparative aesthetics; c) the photographic performance as a fundamental basis for his subsequent cinematographic work; d) the relevance of mass culture in these creative and artistic fields. This explanatory capacity of Kubrick's photography can be extrapolated as an analytical method under the evolution of the civilization of the mass-image, the last phase of mass culture.
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