Pragmatics of scientific communication in Don’t look up (Mckay, 2021)
Cinema and Science, science fiction, scientific communication, pragmatics, ethicsAbstract
The article deals with the film Don’t look up (Mckay, 2021) attending to the agents of scientific communication that it represents. Firstly, the relationship of cinema with science and pragmatics is highlighted, to later study several characters identified as: scientists, the tecological producer, the communicator, the politician, and citizenship. A previous model of pragmatic obligations is used for the analysis, as well as a general one focused on pragmatic categories. The interactions observed between the agents are reflected in a relationship map. The results point to the scientist as the most likely to fulfill the obligations that link him to the truth, pointing to political power and the role of the producer-technology as the least related to it. The communicator and citizenship are generally partially fulfilling their respective obligations. In addition, all roles show problems with communicating the truth except for two scientists, and finally, it highlights the powerful influence of political power in the administration of truth.
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