Gracita Morales and Lina Morgan: the type of the “female donaire” in the film comedies of the late Franco era
Spanish comedy films, Modes of representation, Archetypology, Female characters, Actor typology, Popular cultureAbstract
Spanish film comedies feature a stylized version of an archetypical figure of Spain’s theatrical tradition: the one coming from the “comic relief” character called gracioso or donaire, who since the Golden Age transits along the Spanish theatrical scene from the genres of sainete to the esperpento. The gracioso is traditionally a male and popular character in a secondary role, loaded with practicality, who elevates (by contrast) the noble qualities of the leading man and is responsible for punctuating the narrative by creating comic situations that generate a special relationship with the audience. In this article, we analyze the feminine variation of the type of the gracioso, which, we argue, was embodied in the actresses Gracita Morales and Lina Morgan in the popular film comedies of the late Francoist era. Our ultimate goal is to suggest some of the peculiarities of the modes of representation of Spanish cinema through the typology and cultural affiliation of its characters and the theoretical status of its actors.
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