Urban Youth: City, body, virtuality in Latin American cinema (Chile, Argentina and Mexico)


  • Carolina Urrutia Neno Universidad Católica de Chile Chile
  • Catalina Universidad Católica de Chile Chile


This article analyzes the representation of current youth in the urban setting in Latin American fiction cinema, addressing various tensions related to a changing city, away from its traditional representation and adapted to the performative identity of young people, who provide a sensitive sense to the spaces they inhabit. The analysis will focus on the films Ya no estoy aquí by Fernando Frías (Mexico, 2019), Ema by Pablo Larraín (Chile, 2019) and El auge del humano by Eduardo Williams (Argentina, 2016), all starring adolescents. In them we identify verbally hermetic characters who emancipate themselves in their urban wandering, building fabrics or transit surfaces where both their artistic/cultural affinities and their immersion in the digital world; all this considering the mediation of the local context of the characters and their belonging to a globalized community.


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Author Biographies

Carolina Urrutia Neno, Universidad Católica de Chile

Carolina Urrutia Neno Doctor in philosophy and master's degree in art theory (University of Chile). He works at the School of Audiovisual Creation of the Faculty of Communications of the Catholic University. She directs the magazine of film studies laFuga.cl and is the author of the books A centrifugal cinema. Chilean fictions 2005 to 2010 (Fourth Own, 2013) and co-authored Bordes de lo real en la fiction. Contemporary Chilean cinema (Heavy metals, 2020). He is currently working on his research project on contemporary Latin American cinema

Catalina, Universidad Católica de Chile

Catalina Ide Guzmán has a degree in Aesthetics and Journalist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, current participant in the Fondecyt Research Project No. 11190709: "Overflows of realism in contemporary Latin American fiction cinema: Chile, Argentina and Mexico", linked to the realization of the this article. She did her undergraduate thesis linked to the Fondecyt Research Project No. 1180552: "New materialisms in literary and audiovisual narratives of the Southern Cone", she has been a collaborator in the area of communications and a visual arts chronicler at Fundación Antenna (Santiago, Chile) and assistant in the Fundamentals of Aesthetics and Ethics of Communications courses at the PUC.


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How to Cite

Urrutia Neno, C., & Catalina. (2022). Urban Youth: City, body, virtuality in Latin American cinema (Chile, Argentina and Mexico). Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (24), 85–105. Retrieved from https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/fotocinema/article/view/14158