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Fernando Bárcena
a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:19:"Catedrático de UCM";}
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023), MINIMAL STORIES, pages 168-173
Submitted: Dec 12, 2022 Accepted: Jan 10, 2023 Published: Jan 31, 2023
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To understand Camus we must listen to his voice, let him speak in his texts. In them he speaks to us of a common humanity, of a human nature composed of longings for beauty and suffering. He tells us that there is no life without dialogue, and that in most of the world this dialogue has been replaced by polemic, and that war, violence, has educated us, as it did the generation of which he himself was a part. This text tries to think through some of Camus' ideas and to reconsider his thesis that our survival as humanity depends on keeping a kind of inner fire burning, which is made up of the stories we tell ourselves, of the books we can continue to read with others, in short, of a culture placed at the service of our common humanity. Those stories, those books, that culture which today, as we are well aware, no longer occupy a prominent place in our universities. Unfortunately.


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Article Details


Bronner, S. E. (2022). Camus. Retrato de um moralista. Página indómita.

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Camus, A. (2008a). L’étê. En Oeuvres complètes, III (1949-1956), (pp. 567-623). La Pléiade.

Camus, A. (2008b). Discours de Suède. En Oeuvres complètes, IV (1957-1959) (pp. 239-243). La Pléiade.

Camus, A. (2021). Vivir la lucidez. Todos los carnets (1935-1959). Debate.

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Grenier, J. (1967). Essai sur l’esprit d’orthodoxie. Nrf.

Meagher, R. E. (2022). Albert Camus y la crisis de la humanidad. Amat editorial.

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