Revistas afines
Desde Márgenes, estamos convencidos de que propiciar sinergias y crear redes es el camino más pertinente para construir conocimiento y potenciar la transformación social y educativa. Es por ello que este apartado es especialmente importante para nosotros y nosotras, un espacio para conectarnos con aquellas revistas con las que compartimos el interés por la investigación cualitativa y su valor para el estudio y la comprensión del mundo de la educación.
Revistas nacionales

Qualitative Research in Education (QRE)
Qualitative Research in Education is an online journal fourth-monthly published by Hipatia which shows the results of qualitative researches aimed to promote significantly the understanding and improvement of the educational processes. Qualitative Research in Education gathers the outcomes from the educational researches carried out in different fields, disciplines and qualitative methodological approaches. These investigations have as a final purpose to improve the educational processes or contexts. Consequently, the journal will publish disciplinary and multi-disciplinary pieces of work linked to education and more precisely to Pedagogy, Sociology, Anthropology, History, Philosophy, Linguistics, Geography, Mathematics, Physical Education, Music or Political Science. This scientific journal was created to meet the need for recording the increasing scientific knowledge generated from qualitative researches. Qualitative Research in Education is one of the first scientific journals on this theme. It intends to be an international space for debate and educational reflection on participative implementations on research which involves the reality that is being investigated, the understanding of educational phenomena as well as the evidence that can encourage not only equity and improvement of outcomes in education but also a social change.

Aula de Encuentro (AE)
La revista «Aula de Encuentro» pretende fomentar la investigación y la comunicación, el intercambio de ideas y la reflexión compartida entre distintos profesionales de la enseñanza, a nivel nacional e internacional, al igual que ofrecer planteamientos y experiencias didácticas que favorezcan el desarrollo integral de hombres y mujeres capaces de construir una sociedad más libre, más justa y solidaria.