The sequence shot in Berlanga: comedy languages and techniques




Luis García Berlanga, Sequence Shot, Long Take, Film Directing, Comedy, Spanish Cinema


Luis García Berlanga discovered in the sequence shot technique an ideal instrument to narrate his stories through the continuous movement of the camera, the massive choreography of the actors and the mise en scène in terms of depth. In the Valencian filmmaker's work, long takes serve to offer a particular vision of the comedy genre, introducing a series of internal editing resources which, as well as allowing him to develop his particular sense of humour on screen, enable the author to carry out a critical analysis of human existence and of cinema itself, by opting for certain audiovisual production decisions such as the predominance of extended duration shots, wide and dynamic framing, simultaneous and overlapping dialogues, strong compositional contrasts within the image or accelerated rhythms of the dramatic action, among other aesthetic and narrative solutions. The Berlin sequence shot is thus a privileged means of stylising reality, abstracting the everyday, eternalising the present, the precise comic vehicle to make us laugh and think.


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How to Cite

Rajas, M., Hernández Barral, F., & Baños González, M. (2023). The sequence shot in Berlanga: comedy languages and techniques. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (26), 65–90.