Tono´s imprint of Spanish cinema: subversive humour, lyricism, and verbal stylization
Tono, Spanish Cinema, Spanish Comedy, Avant-garde of Comedy, Verbal Stylization, Other Generation of ‘27Abstract
The study analyzes the cinematographic stylistic model of Antonio de Lara, "Tono", considering the national, international, and personal elements that make it up, over five decades (1930-1978). The objectives are to determine his specific contribution to Spanish cinema, to recompose the transversal imprint of his work in the national cinematographic comedy and to reflect on his influence on subsequent filmmakers. To do this, a conceptual and aesthetic review of the elements that build his creative profile is carried out, and a hermeneutics of his filmography applying the analytical and historical method, with a semiotic base developed by Professor Zunzunegui (2018). This allows us to unravel the features of Tono's authorial style, characterized by the constant rupture of linguistic forms and the emptying of discourse through language itself until it reaches the absurd, thus dynamiting his fictions from within them.
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