Audiovisual Translation, Cyrano de Bergerac, Dubbing, VoiceAbstract
Regarding post-synchronization proper, one of the most interesting issues relates to voice transfer. To this purpose, we shall be highlighting voice-related meanings and features as well as its role in the utterance of sounds and words which in turn communicate, disclose and share emotions, feelings or moods. The study of voice production from the physiological point of view, together with its technical features like intensity, duration, timbre and pitch, is a key element in ascertaining how, from a scientific perspective, it is those qualities that are responsible for specific subjective perceptions in human beings. Knowing how any such vocal feature affects the transmission of several emotions can be very useful in film, since filmmakers and dubbing directors can thus select the right range of voices in order to convey specific feelings in both the source and the target texts.
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