Exploring the Textual Journey: Building Bridges between Early Childhood and Primary Education
textual typology, reading, Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, teacherAbstract
This study is part of the European Project "READ-COM: Reading Communities from paper books to digital era", which aims to raise awareness of the importance of reading and provide innovative resources to improve reading practices in homes and schools. It explores the similarities and differences in the textual typology used by pre-school and primary school teachers. Quantitative research has been carried out with the participation of 440 teachers, 200 from the second cycle of Pre-school and 240 from Primary School. The conclusions of this study reveal notable differences in the selection of texts used by pre-school and primary school teachers. It is observed that enumerative, expository and literary texts are used differently at both stages, indicating that pedagogical approaches may vary. On the other hand, no significant variations are found in the use of prescriptive and informative texts.
These findings suggest the need for greater coordination and communication between pre-primary and primary levels to ensure a more effective transition in the teaching of reading and textual comprehension. Furthermore, they underline the importance of providing innovative resources that encourage textual diversity in the classroom, in line with this project, to enrich reading practices both at home and in schools.
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