Effectiveness of a Digital Serious Game in Improving Reading Comprehension and Academic Performance


  • Susana Sánchez Castro Universidad de Oviedo Spain
  • Mª Ángeles Pascual Sevillano Universidad de Oviedo Spain




Comprehension, Reading, ICT, Educational Software, Educational Innovation


The Spanish school-age population has improved significantly in reading acquisition compared to European partners (PIRLS, 2016), however, it is necessary to implement complementary strategies to work in the classroom that allow reinforcing reading comprehension and increase the level reached by the students. In a social and educational context such as the current one, where ICT strategies take on an undeniable role and stand as an appropriate option to increase performance and motivation, it is worth considering reinforcing those skills that are most lacking in our educational system using quality technological resources. The objective of this study was to verify the improvement of students' reading comprehension and favor an increase in academic performance through training with the Leobien educational digital platform. Their selection is justified by their high degree of compliance with the quality standards previously set. The intervention has been developed during 50 sessions in a sample of 153 Primary Education students. To measure the impact of the intervention, an initial and final evaluation of the acquisition of reading comprehension provided by the program itself was carried out, as well as the registration of academic qualifications. The results show an increase in the sub-subjects of reading comprehension evaluated through the platform, as well as an improvement in academic qualifications, especially in English, Mathematics and Spanish Language and Literature. The number of sessions and the strategy of use provide concrete guidelines for success for schools.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Castro, S., & Pascual Sevillano, M. Ángeles. (2022). Effectiveness of a Digital Serious Game in Improving Reading Comprehension and Academic Performance. Investigaciones Sobre Lectura, 17(1), 40–66. https://doi.org/10.24310/isl.vi17.14325


