With lips of granite: about the nostalgia of the studio
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In this essay we continue with a philosophical reflection on study, which is understood as an art of existence or as a way of life. We reflect on the basis of some essential assumptions. First, studying is not the same as learning. Second, the study constitutes a unique way of being in the world and of organizing one's existence in it, one in which the relationships between the scholar and the world itself (between the contemplative life and the active life) are problematic. And third, study is an activity of an endless nature that is carried out outside any utilitarian purpose, but also a place that the scholar inhabits in a kind of voluntary exile. In accordance with this, this text offers a meditation on what will be called nostalgia for study, a nostalgia linked to an experience of loss (of studiousness) and a wish for a happy return home (the house of study). Through studious practices (reading, thinking, writing), the scholar, in his conversation with the dead whom he reads, has the sensation that they whisper to him, from their graves, with lips of granite.
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