Digital competences in the Practicum: State of the art
Digital competence, Systematic review, PracticumAbstract
In this paper we conducted a systematic review of the development of Digital Competence during the Practicum in the professional training pathway. To this end, seven databases of documents published in the last five years were consulted. The aim is to identify the ways in which this competence is deployed and promoted through the professional practices in the field that are proposed from different experiences. In this search, the technique of content analysis is used to recognise thematic recurrences and to be able to make semantic groupings. The study reveals a need for students (future professionals) to strengthen the development of Digital Competence in order to be in a position to integrate it into the Practicum (and their future work performance). Also striking is the absence of research on the other actors in the Practicum (tutors), which indicates a gap in the topic.
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