About the Journal

- MONOGRAPH: "COLLABORATIVE RELATIONSHIPS IN TEACHER TRAINING FOR THE GENERATION OF INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENTS". Coord. Dra. Núria Carrete-Marín. Universidad de Vic-Universidad Central de Cataluña (UVic-UCC), España y Dra. Annika Bush. Bielefeld University, Alemania. To be published in June (2024), Volumen nº 9(2).

Deadline for acceptance of articles for the monograph 30 Abril 2024.


The Journal Practice addresses the study, experimentation, innovation and research on the Practice and External Practices carried out by students in all areas (Health Sciences, Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences and Humanities) and all degrees in their professional contexts. It is a magazine that publishes the articles in three languages (Spanish, English and Portuguese) from an international level and with orientation to all educational levels.


Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024)
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