Photography’s failure: an intermedial response to the phenomenological agenda in Roland Barthes’ camera lucida


  • Alfredo Lèal National Autonomous University of Mexico Mexico



Photography, Phenomenology, Intermediality, Philosophy, Camera Lucida, Roland Barthes.


The aim of this article is to give account of the limitations of Roland Barthes theoretical proposal in order to analyze photography, in as much as this proposal is considered in the light of the phenomenological program of the French philosopher. Given the importance of Barthes's theory in the field of photography, we believe that these limitations are only perceptible if Barthes's program is read, , as we try to do in the present work, from an intermediary position, that is, analizing the relationship that photography—as a material representation of reality—presupposes and develops within its sourroundings some historical-mediatic instances that are in contradiction to the regional essences recognized by Barthes. Therefore, photography is presented as a supplement that seeks to materially fullfill reality. A supplement that, both in its constitution and its consequences, is based on a metaphysical substrate, namely, the absolute appearance or appearance as an absolute of the photographed object.


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Author Biography

Alfredo Lèal, National Autonomous University of Mexico

National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Alfredo Leal (1985) es escritor, investigador, traductor y docente. Licenciado en Lengua y Literaturas Modernas (Letras Francesas) por la UNAM, Maestro en Letras (Letras Modernas Francesas) con la tesis “La novela total contra el totalitarismo. Examen del concepto de novela total en Pour Sganarelle de Romain Gary en el marco de las transformaciones estético-políticas del siglo XX”. Ha sido becario de la Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas (2005-2006), del FONCA (2011-2012) y del IFAL (2013). Más de una veintena de ensayos, textos narrativos e investigaciones literarias y filosóficas de su autoría han aparecido en diversas revistas y antologías. Es autor de los libros de cuento Ohio y La especie que nos une, de las novelas Circo y otros actos mayores de soledadCarta a IsobelLa vida escondida aún y Quién es Irina Ivanovi?y del libro de ensayos Espectros de Macedonio.


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How to Cite

Lèal, A. (2019). Photography’s failure: an intermedial response to the phenomenological agenda in Roland Barthes’ camera lucida. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, 19, 189–211.

