

  • Maria Clementina Persaud Intérprete de conferencias freelance Spain





This paper is based on the idea that developing materials for interpreting is not such an easy task. The difficulty is even greater when the need arises to create specific teaching materials for conflict scenarios. This fact is underscored as there are many teaching materials, as well as attempts to create them. There are also different educational resources culminating in nothing more than mere book chapters of a theoretical nature, precisely because of the complexity involved in the design of such materials. It is understood there will obviously be many common elements that allow the creation of some generic materials; however, it must be remembered that there will be specific elements that will be valid only for a specific scenario or war conflict.

That said, the main purpose of this research is to outline basic guidelines for the development of training materials for interpreters in conflict scenarios, as this is a vitally important task to ensure the effectiveness and quality of interpreting work in high-tension and violent environments. These guidelines will help to provide interpreters with the necessary tools to carry out their work effectively and safely.


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2024-05-30 — Updated on 2024-05-30


How to Cite

Persaud, M. C. (2024). Español. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, (15), 74–89.