Electronic job advertisements for translators in Mexico: What do employers want and what do they offer?





electronic job advertisements, translators in Mexico, requirements for translators


The present study analyzes a sample of 120 electronic job advertisements for translators in Mexico. The working conditions advertised, the job profiles and the corresponding requirements were investigated. Methodologically, the contents of the advertisements were classified according to the categories of the O*Net-Content-Model, a taxonomy published by the United States Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The results show a demand for highly specialized translations, particularly from the private sector, combined with interpreting and more general duties. Many advertisers exhibit a lack of awareness of the complexity of translation work which leads them to ignore the professional training and the linguistic level required. To this can be added the precarious employment and the low salaries offered by the majority of these posts.


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Author Biographies

Dorit Heike Gruhn, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Dorit Heike Gruhn tiene un B.A. y un M.A. en Letras alemanas y es Doctora en Educación. Además, se tituló como Staatl. geprüfte Übersetzerin (alemán, español, francés) en Alemania. Actualmente es profesor-investigador de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) y perito traductor ante instancias jurídicas nacionales.

Thomas McElwaine, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Thomas McElwaine es Licenciado en Lenguas Modernas (español, francés, portugués) y Maestro en Estudios de Traducción (Irlanda). Actualmente es profesor-investigador de la BUAP.

Gaspar Ramírez Cabrera, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Gaspar Ramírez Cabrera es Licenciado en Lenguas Modernas y Maestro en Ciencias del Lenguaje de la BUAP. Actualmente es profesor-investigador de esta universidad.


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How to Cite

Gruhn, D. H., McElwaine, T., & Ramírez Cabrera, G. (2024). Electronic job advertisements for translators in Mexico: What do employers want and what do they offer?. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, (14), 100–117. https://doi.org/10.24310/ertci.14.2024.16179


