Implications of gender in interpreted discourse


  • Elvira Cámara Aguilera Universidad de Granada Spain
  • E. Macarena Pradas Macías Universidad de Granada Spain



quality, simultaneous interpreting, gender, roles, language usage


Traditionally, gender has not been an object of discussion in research on simultaneous interpreting quality. In fact, it has not even been an object of analysis either in studies on the interpreter‘s profile or in the eternal debate on what his/her role should be. Nevertheless, the simple fact that the channel of transmission, i.e. the voice, is marked by gender makes us think that there could be differences which might have implications for quality assessment.
In this paper, as part of the QINV Project, which studies quality in simultaneous interpreting – specifically verbal and non-verbal aspects influencing the receivers‘ assessment of simultaneous interpreting– we present a study in which the variable ?sex‘ is introduced with a clear objective: to analyse if within the same interpreted speech, differences in the language used by men and women interpreters can be found.
The sample consists of six simultaneous interpretations from English into Spanish carried out by three men and three women. The interpretations are taken from the QINV 2016 corpus. A series of linguistic elements were chosen for the study (appraising and/or expressive adjectives, intensifiers or quantifiers and figurative language) in order to analyse their use by men and women. Results suggest that gender differences do exist. This fact opens a fundamental path for research in quality assessment as well as for studies related to the interpreter‘s profile.


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How to Cite

Cámara Aguilera, E., & Pradas Macías, E. M. (2020). Implications of gender in interpreted discourse. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, (10), 301–320.


