Online Spanish lexicographical production: the Biblioteca Virtual de Filología Española (Virtual Library of Spanish Philology) project as a model
Internet, BVFE, Database, Libraries, Dictionaries, LexicographyAbstract
This article is intended to be a reflection of the changes in the treatment of lexicography through computer innovation and its significant influence on the work of the human sciences. We all live a truth that the Internet has provided consulting a huge lexicographical production, so it is no longer necessary to physically go to a library to consult certain works because the very few copies of linguistics in general and lexicography in particular are within our reach trough a computer connected to the Internet. Due to this reason, it has been necessary to make the most of this tool by creating an updated lexicographical catalog, the Biblioteca Virtual de Filología Española -Virtual Library of Spanish Philology- (BVFE), which constitutes the model of the online Spanish lexicographical work.
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