Language, integration and translation in Bienvenue chez les Ch´tis
language, immigration, ch´timi, French, inequality, integration, translationAbstract
In this article, we study the case of the linguistic combination ch´timi-french in Bienvenue chez les Ch´tis and the linguistic and social development of the main character during the film. We analyse the linguistic and social inequality, a term coined by Hudson (1981: 205), because this film shows how common is to have a preconceived idea of a person only from their way of speaking or their accent. In order to achieve this goal, we focus on Philippe Abrams, the main character of the film and the head of the post office in the south of France, who is transferred to the north, to Bergues (Nord-Pas de Calais, France), where he arrives without speaking a word of the ch´timi dialect.
Finally, we study the translation of the script of the original film into Spanish and Italian, that is characterized by the presence of a dialect and cultural references.
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