estudios de traducción, didáctica de la traducciónAbstract
The educational context of the study is based on the European Higher Education Area and in particular on the training of translators during the final year of the Translation and Interpretation degree studies at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. The analysis applies to the learning and teaching of English-Spanish translation of legal and business documents in the private sector and is followed by providing a subject design included in the basic subjects of the review report of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Translation and Interpretation degree. This analysis aims to fill two gaps in the current curriculum of the UAM degree in Translation and Interpretation (Official State Gazette (Boletín Oficial de Estado) of 4/12/2002), that is to say, on the one hand, the absence of subjects that produce to the learner knowledge of the professional translation market and practice (certain peculiarities of the professional translation market, from the point of view of supply and demand of translation services and how these will affect the translation outcome, have been analysed in the study) and, on the other hand, the absence of subjects that produce specific knowledge of a given subject (basic knowledge of law, trade, economics and finance) that the new graduate will need to confront the translation of legal and business documents in the private sector.
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