
  • Pamela Faber Universidad de Granada Spain



pragmatics, specialized communication, specialized translation, terminology


This paper aims to emphasize the importance of pragmatics in connection with specialized communication. The structure, content, and terminology of specialized texts are constrained by factors such as the communicative situation itself and the previous knowledge, intentions, expectations, and beliefs of the text sender. The transmission of such meaning is problematic even in one language. When it is a question of two languages, as is the case in any act of translation, the difficulties are multiplied. For this reason, it is imperative for translators to be aware of how pragmatics, perhaps more than any other part of language, can dramatically affect their professional activity.


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How to Cite

Faber, P. (2009). THE PRAGMATICS OF SPECIALIZED COMMUNICATION. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, (1), 61–84.


