Glossary, Terminology, Phraseology, Form, Judicial Translation, European Judicial Space, European Judicial NetworkAbstract
This paper aims to offer a terminological and phraseological compilation, in the form of a trilingual glossary (English-French-Spanish), extracted from the analysis of four forms of international judicial cooperation from the European Judicial Network (namely, European arrest warrant, Request of information extracted from the criminal record, Freezing order, and Model agreement on the establishment of a Joint Investigation Team), as well as a brief preliminary foray into the most common characteristics of this type of documents and of judicial translation.
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HACIA UNA ESTRATEGIA EUROPEA EN MATERIA DE E-JUSTICIA (JUSTICIA EN LÍNEA) [Comunicación de la Comisión al Consejo, al Parlamento Europeo y al Comité Económico y Social Europeo]>
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