intercultural mediation, theatre, verbal and nonverbal communicationAbstract
This paper presents some reflections that emerged from a research project developed in the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Translation, Languages and Cultures (SITLeC) of the University of Bologna. During an eight-month workshop, a group of Italian students – beginners in Spanish – engaged in some extracurricular activities, resulting in the public performance of the play El Nuevo Mundo descubierto por Cristóbal Colón written by Lope de Vega. Students analysed the play from a linguistic and (inter)cultural perspective, giving special emphasis to the discovery of the other, the encounter of the Old and the New World and the miscommunication caused by lack of understanding in intercultural situations. All these aspects helped students to explore a range of verbal and nonverbal communicative strategies, as well as to improve their intercultural communicative competence and develop empathy. The in-depth analysis of the play showed students that the real shipwreck in intercultural encounters is incommunicability itself.
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