
  • Carmen María Fernández Rodríguez EOI A Coruña Spain




Maria Edgeworth, Translation studies, Ennui, Descriptive Translation Studies, Ireland


This paper deals with the first translation into French of one of Maria Edgeworth’s Irish tales, Ennui, which was published in 1809 in the first series of Tales of Fashionable Life. Our goal is to provide a translemic analysis of the target text by using Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS). After a contextualization of Edgeworth and her work, we will describe both the source and the target text taking into account the changes operated in the French text and the consequences for its reception in France. This study is of particular interest for two reasons: at the turn of the nineteenth century, Edgeworth was very popular in Great Britain as a bestselling writer of feminocentric novels and educational essays written in collaboration with her father. Also, Edgeworth was concerned about giving an acurate portrait of Ireland and Irish speech, which was not easy to render into French at that time.


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How to Cite

Fernández Rodríguez, C. M. (2017). «COMPREND-IL LEUR LANGAGE, COMPRENDROIENT-ELLES LE SIEN ?»: MARIA EDGEWORTH’S ENNUI (1809) INTO FRENCH. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, (9), 107–124. https://doi.org/10.24310/Entreculturasertci.vi9.11257


