Relación entre el nivel de lectoescritura y autoconcepto en el alumnado de Educación Primaria: implicaciones pedagógicas en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje
Literacy;, Reading comprehension;, Self-concept;, Primary education;, Emotions;Abstract
The aim of this study is to find out whether there is a relationship between the level of literacy and self-concept in Primary Education. The methodology of the study is quantitative. Different standardised tests are used to collect the information. In the case of literacy, an oral language and literacy competence assessment protocol is used, and the E. Piers-Harris self-concept questionnaire is used to assess the level of self-concept. These tests were administered to a group of 24 students in the second year of Primary Education aged between 7 and 8 years. The first results show that there is a correlation between both concepts and it seems to be significant. Some pedagogical implications derived from the results of this study have to do with the need to work in the classroom with methodologies that favour and improve the students' level of self-concept. This is necessary if literacy levels are to be improved. The importance of working on emotional aspects and the improvement of self-concept is also highlighted, as these can favour better literacy learning.
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- 2024-06-30 (2)
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