Spanish A Multimodal Proposal for Reading Digital Texts in the Context of Spanish Language and Literature in Secondary Education




Multimodal Analysis, Digital Literature, Digital Reading, Digital Literary Product


Students in secondary education and baccalaureate will be confronted, throughout their education, with the analysis of discourses and texts, including digital texts. In accordance with the official curriculum, this content will be taught by teachers of the different languages which make up this stage, including Spanish Language and Literature. The aim of this article is to offer a proposal for an approach to the analysis of digital literary texts in accordance with the level required at the aforementioned educational stage. To support this proposal, we have chosen a theoretical framework based on multimodality, which allows the analysis of digital text and its discourse in a more complete way than a purely textual analysis because it considers more parameter s such as graphic design, user experience, and web design itself. Based on this theoretical framework, a methodology is created that facilitates the examination of any digital text, although it is worth mentioning that this methodology will be applied here to the analysis of a specific digital literary product, which can be applied inferentially to other digital texts. This article aims to provide teachers with a theoretical resource to extract as much information as possible from a digital text and its consequent discourse, thus facilitating their performance in the classroom when working with students on this content.


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Author Biography

Zósimo López Pena, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)

Docente en la facultad de Educación - Especializado en el análisis del discurso publicitario y su docencia.


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How to Cite

López Pena, Z. (2022). Spanish A Multimodal Proposal for Reading Digital Texts in the Context of Spanish Language and Literature in Secondary Education. Investigaciones Sobre Lectura, 17(1), 21–39.


