Inclusion of digital technologies in education: (re) construction of professional teacher identity in practice.
Information and Communication Technologies, professional teacher identity, pedagogical renewal, classroom practice, innovation.Abstract
Inclusion of Information and Communication Technologies in education has fostered some paradigm reconstruction dynamics, with an impact on the professional identity of teachers, so its necessary to reflect on the implications of teaching methods, understanding how schools are responding to the integration of ICT and how teachers have renewed their practices. The information presented is part of a study carried out on a region of Portugal, involving about 2000 teachers of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. Two questionnaires were applied: one to understand the relationship with technology in pedagogical practices and another focused on good practices. The results show that there is a dynamic that drives a positive movement in the use of digital tools to which teachers and school begin to respond. Also, the inclusion of digital technologies stages steps for pedagogic recreation, so there are schools and teachers still in a basic level of discovery adapting the traditional methodology to the new resources and others, already in a stage of change, of recreation of educational practices with new methodologies. It concludes a clear vision of the need for renewal of the professional identity of teachers in the digital age.
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