Impact of the use of technological resources on academic performance


  • Cynthia Martínez-Garrido Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Spain



Open educational resources, Scientific information, Academic achievement, Mathematics, Reading


The use of educational resources in the classrooms has been highlighted by the research on Effective Teaching as one of the key factors that enhance the quality of teaching. The aims of this research is to describe the use that Secondary Education students give to technological resources inside and outside the school and determine the relationship between the use of technological resources within the school and the academic performance of students in Mathematics and Reading. To do so, it's been conducted a secondary exploitation of the PISA 2015 database, which include the data of 6,736 students from 201 compulsory secondary education schools in Spain. Multilevel analyzes are used as a method of data analysis. The results indicate that technological resources are present in the students' day-to-day activities both outside and inside the schools, and that the use of email, the connection to the Internet and the use of the computer generate improvements in the academic development of students in Mathematics and Reading. The commitment to quality education is linked to the use of technological resources, therefore, it is essential that the adjusted use of technological resources be strengthened in all schools.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Garrido, C. (2018). Impact of the use of technological resources on academic performance. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 4(2), 138–149.


