Educating in the infant school of the 21st century: dialogue, inclusion and technology




Preschool education, educational technology, student role, teacher role


The objectives of education for the 21st century seek to guarantee an inclusive, quality and equitable process that fosters educational opportunities for all infants. Increasingly, minors are exposed for a longer time of digital consumption. Because of the increase in the number of screens in the home, as well as digital resources, we ask ourselves: What are the characteristics of today's childhood? What place do technologies occupy in children and preschool teachers' lives? This article makes a bibliographic review that tries to answer these questions. The main objective is to elaborate the state of the art in relation to the development and implementation of digital technology in childhood education. Every day we observe how children manipulate the tablet before learning to speak or write and that they hardly know what it is to play in the real world. We are facing a complex issue, so it is necessary to guarantee the full development of the child and continue investigating the advances in research on childhood, inclusion and technology. The results show that technologies are an opportunity to achieve profound changes that contribute to improving the teaching-learning processes from new pedagogical and curricular approaches.


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How to Cite

Gallardo Fernández, I. M., Saiz Fernández, H., Aguasanta Regalado, M. E., & López Iglesias, M. (2021). Educating in the infant school of the 21st century: dialogue, inclusion and technology. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 7(2), 75–88.


