About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The current educational context is marked by the implementation of specific technology innovations and development of educational processes.
Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, aims to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, experience and research on the application of ICT and other such innovations, regardless of the format in which they are submitted and training contexts in which develop, whether formal, non-formal or informal, and educational level.
Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation provides a channel for dissemination and exchange among the international scientific community in the field of education and training.
With this open digital publication aim to not only provide easy access to all published documents, but also offer new tools like search form by different criteria; that authors who have submitted manuscripts for publication know the state of the same in the review process-assessment-acceptance-publication through OJS.
Peer Review Process
Peer review system (per review). Proven compliance with the formal requirements and alignment with the thematic focus of Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, the item will be sent for evaluation by two or more expert reviewers (external or the Advisory Board), confidentially and anonymously (double-blind), who issued a report on the advisability of publication, which will be considered by the editors of the magazine. In the case of disparate judgments between the two raters, the work will be referred to a third reviewer. The revised work considered can be published conditioned on the inclusion of amendments, must be corrected and returned by the authors at the latest within one month, whether minor corrections as higher request. If necessary, the new version will be sent back to the external reviewers, procedure to be followed until final acceptance by the magazine. The authors will receive the evaluation reports of the reviewers, anonymously, so they can make (if any) and the appropriate adjustments.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that provide the public with free access to research support to a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
The authors have to accept the terms and conditions expressed in INNOEDUCA (International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation), guaranteeing that articles and associated materials are original and do not infringe copyright. The authors must also justify that, in the case of shared authorship, there was a full consensus of all the authors in the order of appearance based on their responsibility for the article. In addition, the authors confirm that the article sent to INNOEDUCA has not been previously presented or published in any other media.
All the authors of the article must accept and sign the Assignment of rights.
Researchers who agree to review an INNOEDUCA article must carry out a critical and honest process regarding the scientific quality of the original. These criteria are available in the section "Information for evaluators" (https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/innoeduca/revisores).
The reviewer cannot have a conflict of interest with the assigned article. In addition, the reviewer will commit to comply with the evaluation dates proposed by the editorial team.
The editorial team will guarantee the confidentiality of the evaluation process and the anonymity of the evaluators and authors, the content of the article, the reviewer's report by the evaluators and any other communication issued by the reviewers. In the same way, confidentiality will be maintained in the event of possible third-party complaints, claims or clarifications that an author wishes to make to the editorial team or reviewers. The editorial team declares its commitment to the respect and integrity of the published articles. For this reason, plagiarism is strictly prohibited and texts that are identified as plagiarism or whose content is fraudulent will be eliminated from the evaluation process. The editorial team is responsible for compliance with the review deadlines. The review process will have an estimated time between three and four months from its beginning until the acceptance/rejection of the article. The editorial team is committed to the scientific community to guarantee the ethics and quality of the published articles. The publication takes as a reference the code of conduct and good practices that Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) defines for editors of scientific journals (https://publicationethics.org/core-practices).
Conflict of interest policy
All authors will declare the non-existence of conflict of interest in their article.
The reviewers must declare any conflict of interest and decline the invitation of the editors to evaluate a manuscript in the following cases: academically or familiarly close to the authors; they belong to the same educational institution, research group, professional network or research project; they have published articles with the author; or any other type of professional connection or conflict/proximity. In this case, the reviewer must decline the editor's offer to review the article.
The editorial team will guarantee the anonymity of the authorship and content of the article during the review process.
Inclusive language policy
Innoeduca, the International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, recommends using respectful and equitable academic language, avoiding discriminatory or gender-biased expressions. Some strategies include:
Use of neutral or collective terms; Impersonal structures; Use of double-words only when necessary for clarity; Avoiding the use of symbols such as @, "x," or *.
It is recommended to consult reference guides on inclusive language, such as those published by the United Nations inclusive language guidelines.
Policy on the use of Artificial Intelligence
Innoeduca, the International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, maintains a firm commitment to scientific integrity and transparency in the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Following COPE guidelines, it establishes clear guidelines for authors, reviewers, and editors, emphasizing that AI tools cannot be considered authors nor assume responsibility for scientific content, conflicts of interest, copyright, or ethical decisions. Failure to comply with this policy will result in rejection of the submission, withdrawal of those under evaluation, and a ban on future submissions.
Authors must declare the use of AI tools in their manuscripts, specifying the software, its function, and the sections affected. They are responsible for ensuring the originality of AI-generated or AI-assisted content, avoiding plagiarism or copyright infringement. They must also review and verify the accuracy of the content to prevent bias or errors.
If reviewers use AI in evaluating manuscripts, they must declare this. AI can be a complementary tool, but the final review and critical judgment must be human. The peer review process should remain under the direct responsibility of the reviewers, with AI in a supporting role.
The editorial team can use AI for administrative and editing tasks, such as manuscript formatting or plagiarism detection, always under strict human supervision to ensure quality and consistency.
Scientific Advisory Committee
The Innoeduca Editorial Board is made up of the Director, the Editors and the Drafting Secretariat, the Editorial Board, the Advisory Board and the Technical Council.
The Director is the highest institutional representative of the journal, chairs the Editorial Board, decides on the appointment and removal of the Secretary, the members of the Editorial Board, Advisory Board and Technical Council. He is responsible for the delegation of tasks to each of the Committees. Ultimately he is responsible for the publication or not of a manuscript.
The editors are appointed by the Director based on their experience, dedication and ability. The functions of the editors include the planning of the content of the publication, providing guidelines to the authors in terms of styles and context, ensuring the accuracy of the content of the Journal's web portal, and ensuring that the review and communication process with the Authors develop according to the regulations of the magazine.
Drafting Secretariat
The Secretariat will have as functions to keep minutes of the meetings of the Editorial Board, and together with the Director, prepare the agenda for the sessions; will be responsible for the location, management and maintenance of the indexation bases and distribution lists suitable for the magazine and issue as many certificates as necessary, attesting to the evidence of the accredited facts. His appointment corresponds to the Director of the Magazine.
Editorial Board
Members will be appointed by the Director of the Magazines, who may also revoke them. The main function of the Editorial Board is to collaborate with the Director and the Editors in defining the content and style of the magazine, thereby providing guidelines for manuscript submission and magazine design. In the same way they supervise the correct reception, evaluation and acceptance of manuscripts.
Advisory Board
The Advisory Council will be in charge of advising the Director and Publishers in the task of obtaining a relevant and high quality publication, they will be responsible for preparing, together with the Director, the scientific strategy of the Journal, and the periodic evaluation of results, as well as support and guide the Editorial Board in a conceptual and scientific way. They may act as high level evaluators.
Technical advice
Those responsible for computer technical support, layout, cover design, distribution, as well as administration are part of it.
Among its functions are the responsibility of suggesting and advising the Director of possible improvements in the electronic edition of the magazine, its development, implementation and maintenance, the permanent update of the magazine's website and the design of the cover of each issue
- Items Received: 93
- Rejected items: 85 (91.40%)
- Accepted items: 8 (8.60%)
- List of articles published in volume 10: 4
- Articles of the University of Malaga: 1 (5%)
- Articles of the Autonomous Community, excluding the University of Malaga: 1 (5%)
- National articles, excluding those of the University itself and C. Autonomous: 0 (0%)
- International articles: 18 (90%)
- Analytical articles of research, experiences and / or innovations: 20 (100%)
- Articles analyzed from funded research projects: 6 (30%)
- Items Received: 88
- Rejected items: 69 (78.40%)
- Accepted items: 19 (21.60%)
- List of articles published in volume 9: 3
- Articles of the University of Malaga: 1 (4,7%)
- Articles of the Autonomous Community, excluding the University of Malaga: 3 (14,3%)
- National articles, excluding those of the University itself and C. Autonomous: 4 (19%)
- International articles: 13 (62%)
- Analytical articles of research, experiences and / or innovations: 21 (100%)
- Articles analyzed from funded research projects: 5 (24%)
- Items Received: 52
- Rejected items: 27 (55.80%)
- Accepted items: 25 (44.20%)
- List of articles published in volume 8: 5
- Articles of the University of Malaga: 4 (17%)
- Articles of the Autonomous Community, excluding the University of Malaga: 2 (9%)
- National articles, excluding those of the University itself and C. Autonomous: 11 (48%)
- International articles: 6 (26%)
- Analytical articles of research, experiences and / or innovations: 14 (61%)
- Articles analyzed from funded research projects: 9 (39%)
- Items Received: 52
- Rejected items: 27 (51.90%)
- Accepted items: 25 (48.10%)
- List of articles published in volume 7: 11
- Articles of the University of Malaga: 1 (5%)
- Articles of the Autonomous Community, excluding the University of Malaga: 1 (5%)
- National articles, excluding those of the University itself and C. Autonomous: 13 (65%)
- International articles: 5 (25%)
- Analytical articles of research, experiences and / or innovations: 13 (65%)
- Articles analyzed from funded research projects: 7 (35%)
- Items Received: 54
- Rejected items: 31 (57.40%)
- Accepted items: 23 (42.60%)
- List of articles published in volume 6: 14
- Articles of the University of Malaga: 2 (14.29%)
- Articles of the Autonomous Community, excluding the University of Malaga: 2 (14.29%)
- National articles, excluding those of the University itself and C. Autonomous: 5 (35.71%)
- International articles: 5 (35.71%)
- Analytical articles of research, experiences and / or innovations: 13 (92.85%)
- Articles analyzed from funded research projects: 6 (42.86%)
- Items Received: 37
- Rejected items: 17 (45.95%)
- Accepted items: 20 (54.05%)
- List of articles published in volume 5: 20
- Articles of the University of Malaga: 3 (15%)
- Articles of the Autonomous Community, excluding the University of Malaga: 3 (15%)
- National articles, excluding those of the University itself and C. Autonomous: 6 (30%)
- International articles: 8 (40%)
- Analytical articles of research, experiences and / or innovations: 9 (45%)
- Articles analyzed from funded research projects: 11 (55%)
- Items Received: 35
- Rejected items: 16 (44.4%)
- Accepted items: 20 (55.6%)
- List of articles published in volume 4: 20
- Articles of the University of Malaga: 1 (5%)
- Articles of the Autonomous Community, excluding the University of Malaga: 2 (12.5%)
- National articles, excluding those of the University and C. Autonomous: 2 (10%)
- International articles: 8 (40%)
- Articles from research, experiences and / or innovations: 9 (45%)
- Articles from funded research projects: 12 (60%)
- Items Received: 28
- Rejected items: 12 (42.8%)
- Accepted items: 16 (57.14%)
- List of articles published in volume 3: 16
- Articles of the University of Malaga: 4 (25%)
- Articles of the Autonomous Community, excluding the University of Malaga: 2 (12.5%)
- National articles, excluding those of the University and C. Autonomous: 4 (25%)
- International articles: 6 (37.5%)
- Articles from research, experiences and / or innovations: 6 (37.5%)
- Articles from funded research projects: 10 (62.5%)
- Items Received: 27
- Rejected items: 11 (40.7%)
- Accepted items: 16 (59.3%)
- List of articles published in volume 2: 16
- Articles of the University of Malaga: 1 (6.5%)
- Articles of the Autonomous Community, excluding the University of Malaga: 4 (25%)
- National articles, excluding those of the University itself and C. Autonomous: 6 (37.25%)
- International articles: 5 (31.25%)
- Articles from research, experiences and / or innovations: 5 (31.25%)
- Articles from funded research projects: 11 (68.75%)
- Items Received: 21
- Rejected items: 9 (42.8%)
- Accepted items: 12 (57.2%)
- List of articles published in volume 1: 12
- Articles of the University of Malaga: 1 (8.3%)
- Articles of the Autonomous Community, excluding the University of Malaga: 2 (16.6%)
- National articles, excluding those of the University itself and C. Autonomous: 2 (16.6%)
- International articles: 7 (58.3%)
- Articles from research, experiences and / or innovations: 10 (83.3%)
- Articles from funded research projects: 5 (42.6%)
Publishing schedule
Currently Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation is published every six months (2 issues per year, January-June and July-December).
The opinions and facts contained in each scientific manuscript are the sole responsibility of their authors. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation is not responsible, in any case, for the credibility and authenticity of the work.
Free access
The works published in this magazine are subject to the following terms:
1) Innoeduca Journal (the publisher) preserves the economic rights (copyright) of the published works, and favors and allows them to be reused under the use license indicated in point 2
2) The works are published in the electronic edition of the magazine under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative 4.0 International license: they can be copied, used, disseminated, transmitted and publicly exhibited, provided that:
a) The authorship and the original source of its publication are cited (magazine, editorial and URL of the work).
b) They are not used for commercial purposes.
c) The existence and specifications of this user license are mentioned.
3) This journal does not charge authors for publishing, that is, it does not have APC (article processing charges)
Plagiarism and antiplagium
The authors will respect and recognize the sources of data extraction, figures and information explicitly and tangibly. If the breach is detected during the review or evaluation process, the publication of the manuscript will be automatically rejected. If they were detected after publication, it will result in the corresponding retraction note.
The Innoeduca Journal has just introduced a plagiarism and autoplagio software, which is capable of recognizing non-original documents, indicating its source.
We have included some anti-plagiarism tools: Turnitin, Plagiun and Crossref.
Digital Preservation Policies
All of our electronic content (website, manuscripts, etc.) is stored on several sources. Content on one server is online and accessible to the readers. The copy of the same content is kept as a backup on as the OJS software makes weekly copies through LOCKSS and CLOCKS archiving systems. DOIs of the articles also ensure the durability of access through Crossref. The content of the journal is also available in open access in different databases such as REBID and DIALNET, which guarantees the preservation of content by more than one database
Journal History
The Research Group -INNOEDUCA- Innovation and Educational Technology at the University of Málaga (consolidated the Andalusian Group SEJ-533) is an interdisciplinary group of professional staff (teachers, mathematicians, computer scientists, graphic designers ...) from different educational levels that develop products, research and training in the field of Innovation and educational Technology.
Since its inception the group has developed an ongoing research work and has had as priorities contact and collaboration with other researchers and national and international centers.
In 2015 starts a new science project: a digital open access journal published in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The magazine takes its name from the research group:
Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation