The R5 method of Reflective Practice. Evaluation of its impact on initial teacher training
Reflective Practice, training, theory, practice, portfolio, reflectionAbstract
Starting from the author’s doctoral research carried out with students in the Practicum to get their Early Childhood and Primary Education Degree at the Education School of the International University of Catalonia, as well as the author’s subsequent experience in the field of Reflective Practice, the research study has the aim of highlighting the importance of reflective practice and the training of reflective teachers in order to improve the classroom management and facilitate the resolution of problems that arise through an analysis in which theory and practice are integrated.
The research began with its corresponding contextualization and the creation of a proposal of the R5 Method of Reflective Practice, which was applied and valued by students of the Practicum under the supervision of their teacher-tutors, which allowed to collect and analyze data under the headings of Reflective Training, Articulation of Theory and Practice, R5 Method and the Use of a Portfolio. The results were favorable showing that the Reflective Practice through the R5 Method and the other elements mentioned, contribute to the development of the reflexive capacity of those who apply them by improving their teaching professionalization.
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