Technologies for teaching and learning of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a systematic review
Autism, ASD, Technologies, ICT, Teaching, LearningAbstract
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a pathology of neurobiological origin that affects to a greater extent the communicative-social development of the child, preventing him/her from adapting normally to the surrounding context. Through educational research, the teaching of people with ASD is becoming increasingly evident through the introduction of different methodological strategies and educational means, among which Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) stand out. ICTs are presented as an alternative to compensate the difficulties presented by students with educational needs. Taking into account the great variety of needs presented by students with ASD, it is necessary to create and implement different technological tools with the aim of achieving an improvement in the learning process. The aim of this systematic review is to collect information, analyze and synthesize the studies published in the last 10 years on the impact of the use of ICT in the teaching-learning process of people with autism, to subsequently describe the most relevant characteristics of these educational tools. With this, the aim is to establish the current state of knowledge on this subject, which will allow a better approach to future lines of research. The initial evidence indicates that the use of ICT favours the teaching process of ASD students to improve their ability to overcome tasks aimed at the acquisition of skills.
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