Proposal for a new model: Mediated Reflective Practice
Theory and practice, Reflective Practice, Mediatio, Signification, TransformationAbstract
This research focused on finding the relevance of the combination of elements as support for active and experienced teachers to carry out reflective practice cycles applied to their own work as a means of improving and evaluating it.
Three foundations for the proposal were taken as a starting point: 1) The dialogical relationship between theory and practice, 2) some models and characteristics of reflexive practice mentioned by different authors; and 3) the relevance and support of mediation.
At first, the importance of theory and practice for the analysis of teaching work is exposed, followed by some of the main characteristics of reflexive practice; some relevant notes on the sociocultural theory of Vygotsky, the mediation and the model proposed by Engeström related to the theory of activity; as well as the presentation of certain representative models of reflective practice, resulting in the proposal of a new model that we have called Mediated Reflective Practice, summarizing the elements that constitute it and its conceptualization.
The model was applied to language teachers through a workshop and the follow-up of records and observations of their practice in a period of two months. Time during which the teachers had the opportunity to interact and carry out each of the stages of the model, which are divided into three: knowledge, meaning and resignification, being accompanied by a mediator and their peers.
Among the results, it is highlighted the importance of the participation of a mediator that supports this process and the commitment of the teachers to carry it out, recognizing that the experiences and knowledge of teachers can be shared and documented, arising the possibility of finding new assumptions to be tested.
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