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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission file is in doc. or odt. format.
  • The text follows the formatting rules included in the "Author Guidelines" in "About the Journal".
  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for reference.
  • Removed references to authors in the text to ensure anonymity in the review.
  • Pictures in appropriate format for publication on the Internet are included.
  • The article is not signed by more than 4 authors.
  • All the metadata information has been filled in (title, abstract and keywords, in Spanish and English; information on all authors (name and surname, institutional affiliation (university, department, country), email, ORCID code and brief biography); and bibliographic references of the manuscript).
  • The "Assignment of rights" has been included, duly completed and signed by all the authors (its non-inclusion will be grounds for direct rejection).

Author Guidelines

The writing of the manuscript willa take as reference the regulations of the "American Psychological Association" (APA) in its 7th edition  (

Format. The article must fit the style (fonts, spacing, margins, etc.) defined in the publication template (must be sent in .doc or .odt format), which you can download from here:

Title. It shall be representative and as concise as possible. It should be written in both Spanish and English, using meaningful keywords, drawn, if possible Thesaurus of ERIC (Education Resources Information Center).

Abstract. Be included in Spanish (must be between 150 and 300 words) and then translated into English (abstract). The abstract should be structured according to the IMRYD format: Introduction, to collect the objective or purpose of the investigation; Methodology, include basic procedures (design, selection of samples or cases, methods and techniques of experimentation or observation and analysis); Results, main findings (give specific data and their statistical significance, if applicable); and discussion or conclusions.

Keywords. After the summary should be included in 3-10 keywords or descriptors, expressed in Spanish and English. Keywords will be used or internationally accepted terms in the field of education to express concepts and contents.

Extension. Title, keywords, abstract (Spanish and English), article body, notes, bibliographical references and graphic elements: an extension between 5500 and 7000 words, including recommended.

Structure. In the case of research and studies, it is recommended that the article covers at least the following: statement of the problem or issue under study, background and theoretical foundations, design and methodology, results, discussion of results, conclusions, limitations study and, if appropriate, prospective.

Graphs and charts. They should be numbered consecutively according to the type (table, chart ...) are inserted in the appropriate place in the text of the article body. In addition, the images will be attached to an appropriate resolution in separate files in the format: JPG or PNG.

Notes. As far as possible will be avoided. All records should be properly numbered at the end of text.

Author contributions. For shared authorship, the level of each author's contribution must be indicated according to the CRediT taxonomy. Author names will be omitted, indicating the contribution as Author 1, Author 2, etc.

Funding. It will be specified if the works are derived from competitive national and international projects financed with public funds, including project codes. If the article has not received any funding, this should also be indicated.

References. They are presented in alphabetical order and shall conform to APA standards. All citations to be included in the text of the article should have their correspondence in the "References".

*Compliance with Innoeduca journal policies. This article was prepared in accordance with the "Ethics Statement and Declaration of Publication Malpractice," the "Conflict of Interest Policy," the "Policy on the Use of Artificial Intelligence," and the "Inclusive Language Policy," available in the About the Journal section.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be provided to any third party or for any other purpose. The identity of the author(s) submitting a manuscript for review will be preserved.

Manuscripts under review/review will not be used under any circumstances by any party involved in the process until, if appropriate, they are published.

The names and email addresses entered in Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.