The platforms of digital teaching materials in Early Childhood Education: are they adapted to students’ characteristics?




Early Childhood Education, Digital Platforms, Educational Resources., Early Childhood Education, Digital platforms, educational resources


In recent years, the presence of technology in the classrooms of our educational centers has increased and the Early Childhood Educational stage has not been left out of this event. This reality aroused interest to develop the I+D+I project “Digital Didactic Materials for Early Childhood Education. Analysis and proposals for use at school and at home. Digit@l Childhood” in which this article is framed. The objective of this work is to make a comparison between five platforms of digital didactic materials of diverse natures (institutional, editorial and free access) of Galicia. For this, we applied an evaluation guide that focuses on the technological, pedagogical, and socio-communicational characteristics of these platforms. In the same way, it is taken into account whether these resources know the characteristics, needs and interests of the students of this educational stage to which they are intended. Throw this analysis we conclude that the platforms are adapting them to the reality of our society, but in a very gradual and superficial way.


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Author Biography

Daniela Gonçalves, ESE de Paula Frassinetti, CEDH da UCP, CIPAF da ESEPF

ESE de Paula Frassinetti; CIDTFF da UA; CIPAF da ESEPF, Portugal


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How to Cite

Fernández Iglesias, R., Pereiro González, M. del C., Cores Torres, A., & Gonçalves, D. (2021). The platforms of digital teaching materials in Early Childhood Education: are they adapted to students’ characteristics?. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 7(2), 89–98.


