Participatory methodologies and Facebook in Higher Education


  • Nuria Serrat Antoli Spain





The connection between the EHEA, participatory methodologies and 2.0 is the core of attention this innovation. As such, intends to incorporate some of Web 2.0 tools in the context of higher education, with the aim of promoting, reflect and apply participatory methodologies to the EHEA requested. The project's overall objective is to systematize, implement and evaluate a set of participatory methodologies to acquire certain transversal and specific competences (specific to the field of training of trainers) and use the 2.0 (specifically, Facebook) as exchange environment which analyze them and empower them. Innovation has used two basic tools of information collection: content analysis (generated by students and teachers in the context of the assignatura) and survey with 10 closed questions aimed at students. After application of innovation, some conclusions can be summarized as: low turnout that was generated at first; questioning on voluntary participation, possibly became a weak point; highlight the potential of Facebook as a generator of knowledge; the crucial role of facilitator in Facebook; the interest in issues not directly related to the subject but if linked to "life" of the student; and potential of the platform for the exchange of information related to a particular topic.



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How to Cite

Serrat Antoli, N. (2015). Participatory methodologies and Facebook in Higher Education. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 1(1), 25–32.


