Match Point (Allen, 2005): Regarding Patricia Highsmith’s Tom Ripley


  • María Jesús Cabello Bustos Universidad de Córdoba Spain



Intertextuality, Preexisting Music, Woody Allen, Patricia Highsmith, Anthony Minghella


Recognized as one of the most prolific directors in the last 30 years, Woody Allen presented his movie Match Point in 2005. The main characteristic that defines it is the behavior of its protagonist, Chris Wilton, a retired professional tennis player who arrives in London with great aspirations. This upstart and amoral character seems to have emerged from the novels of Patricia Highsmith, more specifically from her most famous character, Tom Ripley. Both protagonists share common links: ambition, murders, crimes without punishment, easy to adapt to the environment, lack of morality... The aim of this article is to address the parallels and connections between Match Point and The talented Mr. Ripley (Highsmith, 1955), both in the novel and in his film adaptations, focusing mainly on the film that Anthony Minghella presented in 1999 under the homonymous title of the novel by Patricia Highsmith, highlighting the use of music as a fundamental narrative resource.


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Author Biography

María Jesús Cabello Bustos, Universidad de Córdoba

  • Senior Piano Teacher by the Superior Conservatory of Music of Co?rdoba (1998)

Senior Professor of Musical Language, Theory and Transposition by the Conservatory of Music of Granada (2000)
Master in Cinematography from the University of Co?rdoba (2018)
Since 2008 she is a full professor in the piano specialty for the Junta de Andaluci?a. He currently teaches at the Superior Conservatory of Music of Co?rdoba.


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How to Cite

Cabello Bustos, M. J. (2020). Match Point (Allen, 2005): Regarding Patricia Highsmith’s Tom Ripley. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (20), 387–412.


