The modern Latin American short film. Registration, device, document and memory
Modern Short film, Latin American Cinema, Social and Political Cinema, Document, Cultural Heritage, MemoryAbstract
The short film, according to its economic and structural potentialities, played a leading role in the transformation of the Latin American film field during the fifties and sixties, both in aesthetic renewal and social commitment. The proposal of this work is to analyze a corpus of short Argentine, Brazilian and Mexican documentaries together with their production conditions with the interest of making a double reflection on the political and heritage dimension of this cinema. In the first place, it will focus on the observational profile of the camera, the edition, the testimony and the voices as expressive elements tending to register a social problem in the present of gestation of the film and intervene in that reality. Secondly, and in a complementary way, attention will be placed on the mnemonic character of the corpus and the construction of a cultural document for posterity, taking into account not only the textuality of the films but also the heritage awareness of the entities of production and diffusion in each country.
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