The hypermetrope view: photojournalism in the age of social networks


  • Mar Marcos Molano Complutense University of Madrid Spain
  • Ana Tagarro Complutense University of Madrid Spain



Social networks, Contemporary photography, Photojournalism, Graphic edition, Authorship


The diffusion of photographs linked to current events through social networks, even before being published in the media, has altered the traditional role of photographers and graphic editors. These photographs, seen by millions of people all over the world and disseminated via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, avoid the graphic editing phase that was once fundamental in any process of journalistic communication, as it is in this phase that images are given concrete and conscious meaning. This means that the photographs are published without any planning strategy or revision of the production, which leads to an uncontrolled use of the journalistic image. But not only has the selection criteria been eliminated with the disappearance of the graphic editor, but also the authorship, with photographers gobbled up by the subjects themselves portrayed, in images where there is no signature or copyright, and where the author's gaze seems to have been displaced from the viewfinder of his camera.


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Author Biographies

Mar Marcos Molano, Complutense University of Madrid

Complutense University of Madrid

Ana Tagarro, Complutense University of Madrid

Complutense University of Madrid


Batchen, G. (2004). Arder en deseos, la concepción de la fotografía. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Cotton, Ch. (2015). Don’t call me a Photograper. Madrid: Ivory Press

Fontcuberta, J. (1992). El beso de Judas. Fotografía y verdad. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Lister, M. (1997). La imagen fotográfica en la cultura digital. Barcelona: Paidós.

Milan, J.A. (2016). La imagen como herramienta de análisis para la historia. Una propuesta metodológica. Revista electrónica multidisciplinaria de investigación y docencia, nº 10.

Ritchin, F. (2010). Después de la fotografía. México D.F.: Ediciones Serieve.

Tranche, R. (2019). La máscara sobre la realidad. La información en la era digital. Madrid: Alianza.

Mathias Döpfner, Die Welt, publicado por Axel Springer, 28 de febrero de 2016.

Alex Heath, Business Insider, website de noticias financieras, propiedad de Axel Springer, 18 de julio de 2017.

Rich McCormick, The Verge, website de noticias tecnológicas, propiedad de Vox Media, 22 de febrero de 2016.



How to Cite

Marcos Molano, M., & Tagarro, A. (2019). The hypermetrope view: photojournalism in the age of social networks. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, 19, 175–188.

