Darkness, a photographic strategy in the limit of its essence to represent the urban periphery


  • Gema Pastor Andrés King Juan Carlos University Spain




Paradoxes, Night, City, Outskirts, Public Space, Landscape.
Agencies: Galería Gagosian de Nueva York, Galería Kow de Berlín, Galería Oliva Arauna de Madrid, Jeff Wall, Ralf Peters, Tobias Zielony y Studio Gabriele Basilico


The urban landscape at the change of the century has been the favorite theme of contemporary artistic photography. This focus suggests a personal and public reinvention of common places, and uncovers the essence of these representations.

This paper analyzes photographs of places in the periphery of the city at night. Places which go unnoticed but that have received the detailed observation of the artists. Their attention reveals the complex relationship between both reality and representation in every photograph, as well as reflection and potential political intervention in this reality. To understand the images we used a methodology based on the definition of landscape.

As we go deeper into the images we discover the landscape and the photograph pushing their ontological essence to the limit. This shakes up the foundations of how we think about, represent and occupy these places and these representations.


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Author Biography

Gema Pastor Andrés, King Juan Carlos University

Professor in the Department of Communication and Sociology of the King Juan Carlos University.


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How to Cite

Pastor Andrés, G. (2019). Darkness, a photographic strategy in the limit of its essence to represent the urban periphery. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, 19, 151–174. https://doi.org/10.24310/Fotocinema.2019.v2i19.6650

