The incomplete vision. Halfway seeing as an axis for artistic production


  • Tania Castellano San Jacinto University of La Laguna Spain



Amblyopia, “Hemivision”, Partial Vision, Visual Interruption, Deficiency, Dismantling


Based on the amblyopia logic, we’ll study artistic images (photography, video, installation) which go representative or materially without a certain amount of their surface. This gives room to a kind of “hemivision” which finds a balance between a correct vision and an insufficient one in several levels. As a result, it relates directly to pathological optics. Thanks to this way of seeing, and also of creating, one part of recognizable reality coexists with another one, which is voided in different ways. Thus, deficiency is presented as an alternative mode of dealing with the visible, where lack of definition is neither hidden nor corrected, but it is assumed and promoted as a way of seeing other things or as a different manner of seeing. In this case, the aim is not seeing better, but assimilating the limits of the perceivable and working productively from that point within the artistic context. All this questions reality from a perspective which admits both sensitive and expressible failures, which presents it as contingent and which address the real given its implicit imperfection. Far from raising difficulties, these aspects are potentiated by certain artistic practices, where they appear as qualifying elements, generating senses and modes of making world.


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Author Biography

Tania Castellano San Jacinto, University of La Laguna

Assistant Professor Doctor at the University of La Laguna


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How to Cite

Castellano San Jacinto, T. (2019). The incomplete vision. Halfway seeing as an axis for artistic production. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, 19, 45–70.

