About the discursive dimension of photography in the sixties: a genealogy of the documentary side of concept art
Photography, visual indifference, conceptual art, narratives, contemporary artAbstract
The present article analyzed the incorporation of photography as a full member in contemporary art, from the perspective that places it in the documentary aspect and extremely banalized of the concept art territories. To do this, photography is firstly addressed in its realignment with the everyday and the anodyne of authors like Ed Ruscha who immerse photography in a new discursive dimension never before raised. Then, the artistic discourse of L. Sultan and M. Mandel is analyzed, where, through an aesthetic of estrangement, they achieve to situate photography in the focus of the documentary aspect of concept art. To get to the point of how, from the strategies of amateurism, the photo reach to force the gaze from its own forms of appearance, in a new image far from the documentary and definitively settled in the artistics territories.
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