Cinema and multilingualism in the subtitled abbey of Jean-Jacques Annaud
Cinema, Multilingualism, Dubbing, Subtitling, Translation, Audiovisual.Abstract
In this text, some basic concepts of audiovisual translation are reviewed, especially in relation to dubbing and subtitling. On the other hand, reference is made to multilingual cinema, in whose stories coexist different languages. When this is internationally exhibited, the content of this kind of cinematography isn't usually dubbed in its entirety, applying the translation, generally, on the main language of the film. The reasons are often diverse, especially in relation to the kind of story that is shown to the audience, and that may alter the essence of the film. Likewise, the film The name of the rose (Der name der rose, Jean-Jacques Annaud, 1986) is introduced as a brief case study in this paper, whose multilingualism defines its verisimilitude, historical contextualization and narratology.
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