A kind of neglected visual document in Spain: the spiritualist photograpy





History of photography, spiritualism, photography in Spain, documentation, visual heritage


The so-called spiritualist photography was for a long time a sort of visual document practically forgotten by historians, critics and the general public. At the international level, since the end of the last century, different studies have claimed the interest of these images and the cultural context in which they appear. However, no equivalent studies have been carried out in Spain so far. In these circumstances, this article intends to make a first contribution to the history of this kind of photographic documents, by identifying and locating samples of this visual heritage, as well as by offering a first chronology of the main facts related to this heritage. Until now, only some images that were published in books or magazines have been found, but not originals or copies. From what has been seen so far, it seems that, in Spain, the phenomenon of the spiritualist photography had very limited scope and impact when compared to the international panorama.


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Author Biographies

Jordi Ardanuy, Universitat de Barcelona

Universitat de Barcelona

Martí Flò Csefkó, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Universitat de Barcelona, Spain


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How to Cite

Ardanuy, J., & Flò Csefkó, M. (2018). A kind of neglected visual document in Spain: the spiritualist photograpy. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (17), 481–508. https://doi.org/10.24310/Fotocinema.2018.v0i17.5133


